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Actualités du technopôle Brest-Iroise
      • Call for Participation (CfP) - Workshop on Moving Objects at Sea: Operational Frameworks and Systems

      • Une communication de l'Ecole Navale (Cyril Ray)

        12th April 2013 - Call for presentation ends.
      • The objective of this workshop is to bring together academics and practitioners that have developed and demonstrated advances in the development of methods, operational frameworks and systems oriented at large towards moving objects at sea.

        The workshop is embedded within the European COST-Action MOVE (http://move-cost.info), but open to all interested researchers. Oral presentations and demos are foreseen, as well as time for discussion. Extended abstracts including references (2-4 pages in LNCS format) should be sent to cyril.ray@ecole-navale.fr.
        Researchers without data and/or interested by applying existing algorithms and techniques to maritime traffic can freely use the available dataset (details at http://public.ecole-navale.fr/~cyril.ray/move/). A session will be dedicated to the analysis and visualisation of this specific dataset, other experiments oriented to marine life or any specific subject oriented to moving objects at sea are also welcome.

      • Publié le 17/03/2013
      • CFP

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        Data Challenge

        Data Challengepdf - 588 Ko

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        Data Challenge

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