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Actualités du technopôle Brest-Iroise
      • International
      • [Atlantic Blue Tech] Workshop “Blue biotechnology – Recommendations to overcome SME development barriers in the Atlantic marine biotechnology sector”

      • A panel of experts will review the results of an expansive marine biotechnology sector study and recommend measures to overcome the identified development barriers in the Atlantic Area.
      • Le Technopôle Brest-Iroise, coordinateur du projet Interreg IVB Atlantic Blue Tech, organise, le 20 janvier à Porto, pendant l'événement de la DG MARE Atlantic Stakeholder Platform, un atelier intitulé "Recommendations to overcome SME development barriers in the Atlantic marine biotechnology sector".


        Présentation de l'atelier:

        The Atlantic Area Cooperation project “Atlantic BlueTech” (ABT) project has gained a substantial insight of the barriers and drivers to the development of the marine biotechnology sector through an articulate survey of c.a 60 SME companies in the Atlantic Area. Informed by these results, the ABT workshop will discuss, refine and validate a series of recommendations to support the growth of this micro-medium entrepreneurial landscape, aimed at both entrepreneurs and public agencies with a stake in the delivery of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the Atlantic Area.


        Inscription et programme: ici

      • Publié le 16/12/2014

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Equipe d'animation du Technopôle Brest-Iroise
Bât. Cap Océan
525 avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané
Tel. +33 (0)2 98 05 44 51
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