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Actualités du technopôle Brest-Iroise
      • Energies marines renouvelables: retour sur le Green Cornwall Show (en anglais)

      • The economic potential of the emerging marine renewable energy sector in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and neighbouring Brittany was debated at an industry workshop at the Green Cornwall Show.
      • The economic potential of the emerging marine renewable energy sector in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and neighbouring Brittany was debated at an industry workshop at the Green Cornwall Show.

        Guest speakers painted an optimistic picture of the evolving opportunities for businesses in the two coastal regions, where the development of marine energy has been identified as a key priority.

        Dozens of companies attending the recent event at Heartlands in Pool received valuable advice on how to enter or grow in the supply chain for wave and tidal energy. However, they were also urged to be realistic about the challenges faced in operating in a sector that is still in the development stages and yet to be commercially viable.

        Guest speaker Oankar Birdi, from RenewableUK, with Cllr Julian German and Nicolas Wallet from Cornwall Council

        The workshop was organised by Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) and University of Exeter as part of the EU project MERiFIC. It saw the UK launch of a Procurement Code of Practice guide for small businesses, published by CMN and French project partners Technôpole Brest-Iroise. The MERiFIC project aims to stimulate growth in the sector in the peripheral regions of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in the UK and Finistère in France.

        Guest speakers included Oankar Birdie from RenewableUK, and Johnny Gowdy from RegenSW and South West Marine Energy Park, plus Cornish businesses successfully operating in the sector including Mojo Maritime and Large Diameter Drilling.

        Cllr Julian German, Cornwall Council Cabinet member for economy and culture, said:  “This business event provided valuable information on how to engage in the opportunities within the emerging marine renewable energy industry in Cornwall. There is growing momentum behind this relatively fledgling sector. This is supported locally by the EU MERiFIC project, led by Cornwall Council, and the South West Marine Energy Park collaboration.”

        For further details about the MERiFIC project and to download a copy of the Procurement Code of Practice guide, visit www.merific.eu


        The MERiFIC project has been selected under the European Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) – England, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is a partnership of 10 organisations - Cornwall Council, University of Exeter, University of Plymouth and Cornwall Marine Network, Conseil General du Finistère, Le Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise, Pole Mer Bretagne, Technopole Brest Iroise, IFREMER (French Research Institute for Exploration of the Sea) and Bretagne Développement Innovation.


        ARTICLE WRITTEN BY: Cornwall Marine Network. Cornwall Marine Network is a not-for-profit membership organisation working with Cornwall’s vibrant marine industry. It supports more than 350 businesses, helping the marine sector grow through specialist marketing and training support. Visit: www.cornwallmarine.net. Contact: Georgia White (01326 211382 & georgia.white@cornwallmarine.net)

        MEDIA ENQURIES:  For further information please contact Jérémie Bazin at Technopôle Brest-Iroise on +33(0)2 98 05 63 20 or jeremie.bazin@tech-brest-iroise.fr


      • Publié le 05/07/2013

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