Atlantic Blue Tech ? Un projet pour "Imaginer le secteur des bio-ressources marines pour 2014-2020".
Le projet ATLANTIC BLUE TECH vise à promouvoir et développer, de manière conjointe et concertée, la filière des bio-ressources marines à l’échelle de l’Espace Atlantique. Associant structures d’accompagnement des entreprises, autorités locales et organisations scientifiques, le projet s’attache à capitaliser les différentes expériences et projets précédemment menés sur la thématique des bio-ressources marines. Les partenaires identifieront les principaux obstacles au développement de la filière et formuleront des mesures correctives. Enfin, à travers l’identification d’une série de projets structurants transnationaux, le projet se veut être un maillon essentiel en vue de la prochaine période de programmation 2014-2020. Il contribuera également à la mise en œuvre opérationnelle du plan d’actions récemment adopté dans le cadre de la Stratégie maritime de l’UE pour la région Atlantique. Le partenariat (8 partenaires dans les 5 pays de l’Espace Atlantique) : |
Les partenaires présents à Brest les 10 et 11 septembre pour travailler la version complète à déposer le 27 septembre.
Réponse en décembre ! 1 à 2 projets retenus sous la priorité 1 ‘Entrepreneuriat & Innovation’.
Depuis l'expression d'intérêt à mi-mars, 46 projets ont été déposés sous la priorité 1 et 8 projets sélectionnés.
Sohail Ali oversees biotechnology research at Plymouth Marine Laboratory working on a range of commercially-orientated projects in the areas of algal biofuels, biocatalysis, and drug discovery with both academic and industrial partners.
He currently manages the bioprospecting research portfolio for PML Applications Ltd, the commercialisation arm of PML. He has advised the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office on issues of marine biotechnology as well as participating in national and international forums on marine biotechnology, industrial biotechnology and synthetic biology.
The Atlantic Blue Tech project provides PML with the opportunity to contribute more widely to the development of marine biotechnology in the EU and promote this important area of science to a much wider industrial audience.”
Carla Domingues, executive officer at Oceano XXI, the Portuguese Sea Knowledge and Economy Cluster.
Oceano XXI main goal is to boost the marine economy by promoting cooperation among scientific institutions, enterprises and associations related to the many branches and activities whose functional area of end demand is the sea.
Inside Oceano I work closely with the Aquaculture, Fishing and Sea food processing sectors and also in the Knowledge and Technological Development sector. More information at our website:
Ana Suárez Lena. Assistant Director and Head of the EU Programmes and Training Departments at CEEI Bahía de Cádiz, position that she combines with the coordination of the institutional affairs and relashionship with the media in this same organization.
Bilingual English-Spanish, with a Business Management educational background and Degree in Senior Management of Social Institutions, she joined CEEI Bahía de Cádiz in February 1998. Since then she has worked in all of the other departments of the organization, from Administration, to Consultancy, Training and Business Incubation, which has allow her to develop an expertise in supporting Business Start-ups and already existing businesses in their growth process. She also coordinates the Business Angels Network of Cadiz, managed by CEEI Bahia de Cádiz.
Ana Gonçalves, Science and Technology Manager at the Division of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer (CRIA) of the University of Algarve.
CRIA is the unit which promotes knowledge transfer from the R&D centres within the University to the enterprises, at regional, national and transnational levels. CRIA also manages and participates in international partnerships, developing tasks for the common purpose of the projects. In the region of Algarve (Portugal), CRIA is the main promoter of the matching between the available knowledge in the University of Algarve and the required technology by the companies.
My contribution to CRIA´s main goals is related to the management of European cooperation projects and to the connections between the knowledge produced in the field of Marine Sciences to companies.
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