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Actualités du technopôle Brest-Iroise
      • Technopôle
      • European Forum for Innovation in the marine bioresources

      • The “European Forum for Innovation in the Marine Bioresources” is an event organised by the “AtlanticBlueTech” project partners with the aim of:
        • Promoting the marine bioresources sector at the Atlantic Level
        • Promoting Economic Opportunities and R&D Resources in the Marine Biotechnology.
        • Comunicating the AtlanticBlueTech project results and conclusions.
        • Stimulating networking opportunities and business cooperation in the marine bioresources sector.
        • Showcasing R&D and business cases through a Demolab and study visits. “From R&D to the Market”


        AtlanticBlueTech is an EU funded project which aims at promoting and developing the marine bioresources sector at the Atlantic level. The project gathers economic and innovation development agencies, local authorities and scientific organisations from the Atlantic Area: France, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and the United-Kingdom. 5 countries, 8 partners.

        After more than one year of intense work between EU regions to improve the business development, partners organise their final conference in Cadiz, on April 29-30th

        The target audience of the event will consist of:  SMES, the Science community, Academia, Representatives from the EU, Representatives from the regions including local authorities, all connected to the biomarine resources and marine biotech sector.


        Programme: here

        Register now!


        An European Maritime Day Event

      • Publié le 08/04/2015
      • En savoir Plus
        Atlantic Blue Tech website

        Atlantic Blue Tech website

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