The Scientific Interest Group BreTel (Bretagne Télédétection – Brittany Remote Sensing) and the Brittany Region are organizing a workshop scheduled for May 31 / June 1, 2012.
The workshop is aimed at presenting the activities of one of the NEREUS Region, as requested during the General Assembly, in the framework of the GMES applications. Indeed the BreTel “center of excellence” was created in this respect. We also took the opportunity for including the DORIS-Net project and having a specific emphasis to it (through some communications and one panel session).
The program is based on the achievements from the GIS BreTel partners and on the projects decribed in the “25 uses of GMES in the NEREUS Regions” document published in 2010. The Ocean and Land themes presented in this document are complementing the scientific domains addressed by the BreTel Group.
Preliminary Program
The above link displays the program which is mainly built around two main themes (Oceans and Land) and Each day will be ended by a panel session including institutionals (Europe, Region), companies and service providers, end-users.
OCEANS and related GMES services on Thursday, May 31
Session 1 - The GMES and NEREUS programs
Session 2 - Land and Oceans - GMES services
Session 3 - Marine Environment Monitoring
Panel Session 1 - Available Maritime Environment Services and Applications
LAND and related GMES services on Friday, June 1st
Session 4 - Land Monitoring
Panel Session 2 - Land Applications and Services
Session 5 - Education and Training
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